How to prevent Pregnancy naturally

This article is purposely written for married couples to help them live a more fulfilled
family life; to give them a home laden with joy and togetherness. Nevertheless,
single ladies will also learn a lot from the it.

Lots of mails have being thronging my inbox from potential fans of “We are females”,
even before I decided to write this post. They kept asking me different questions
like; which contraceptive pill or method is the most effective in preventing

pregnancy; is it IUD; use of barriers like condoms; spermicidal creams; some even
went as far as asking if they could rely on the ‘crude’ Withdrawer method (that
method is too much a risk to take if considering preventing pregnancy ).

And couples too never stop asking about the most effective way to easily become
pregnant after having tried differently prescribed methods and found them all to be vain.
Of course, I do respond to the mails.
 I always try to give them the best solution to their worries. But the most interesting thing about this is that, just a single method gives solution to the issues facing both groups; preventing pregnancy and helping conception. And that’s the Natural Family Planning (if carefully implemented out of
good understanding).

The method is 100% save to use. No side effect whatsoever, no spending is required and can be very reliable as well.

Why Natural Family Planning?

I never thought of writing an article about Natural Family Planning (NFP) until recently,
when I moved to my new apartment, and one of my neighbors came to seek my
advice on an issue that have really been a weight of burden to her mind.

She was profusely weeping as she explained what her sorrow was to me, trusting that I would be of useful help in providing solutions to it because of one or two things she knows that I may not be able to disclose here.
Guess what her problem was; She have being unable to get pregnant after having
married for couple of years.

She told me about lots of methods she had earlier used to ensure pregnancy, and how they have all failed her. What I did was to simply explain to her, how her body works and how she can use that to her own advantage in getting pregnant and latter on, use it also to prevent pregnancy whenever she feels like putting a stop to conception.
Thank God, she took to my advice and diligently did everything I asked her to do.

Of course, she became pregnant as a result of that simple 2 hours in-house lecture she
received on that fateful day.
Then, I decide to reach more people by putting everything together in an article and
offer it freely to everybody that cares to have it. And guess what, that’s the same information that is presently in your hands right now. The simple solution to it all resides with you now.

Am going to be very precise and accurate with everything I will be telling you in this post. I won’t be wasting your time at all, as I will try to leave all medical details to your doctor. So, I will implore you to diligently and patiently read every words in the and pay special attention to the bulleted points and the words in italics.

The Female Body

The Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a method that has been proven to be very
effective in preventing unwanted pregnancy and also help couples make babies. But one thing about this method is that, one need to have a very good understanding of it before one can perfectly make it work.

The principle of NFP is simply based on understanding how the female body works;
knowing what it does and the time it does it.
So, before we start learning how to use NFP, let’s know some things about the anatomy of female genitals and see some of the things it does per time.

The female reproductive organ is majorly composed of the following parts:

The Ovary; it produces matured egg every month. The egg got fertilized by sperm cells and leads to pregnancy. If the egg is not being fertilized, it leads to the monthly menstrual flow.

The Oviduct also called the fallopian tube is the tube that links the ovary to the uterus. It is through it that egg travels down to become fertilized by sperm present in the female genitalia.

• Urinary bladder help stores urine temporarily before it’s finally disposed off
from the body (has nothing to do with pregnancy)

The Urethra and Ureter provides a tube-like passage for urine to pass

The clitoris plays a very important role in making women get maximum satisfaction during intercourse; it’s the most sensitive part of the system to sex.

Labium Majora and Minora respectively forms a part around the vaginal.
In this article, we are only going to need the parts concerned with Natural family planning. They include the Labium majora (Outer lips) and labium minora (Inner
lips), the vagina, and the ovary. be continued....

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